The Cuban investment process faces the challenge of a transformation that puts Cuba in better conditions to achieve a leap in economic and social development. Cuba needs an investment process that promotes the rational use of resources, effectiveness and efficiency. There is an urgent need to develop a software ecosystem that combines BIM technologies, data storage and management techniques, artificial intelligence techniques and augmented analytics for decision-making in the management of investment projects that enhances economic development , social and sovereign of the country and allows to generate exports from products and services of high added value that make up the ecosystem itself. This ecosystem develops in two phases. The development of 12 assets is expected to computerize the activities of the investment process in a complete and unique cycle for the first time in the country. The architecture created is a cloud where large volumes of data can be managed, with high availability, fault tolerance and extensibility. This cloud is based on the most current paradigms and will allow interoperation with other applications no matter its architecture. This is a project where University - Company cooperation is prioritized and open to collaboration between institutions.