SMaBiT Cuba is the technical department of the German company SMaBiT GmbH. This department has specialists who carry out the entire hardware and software development process, from the study of the product concept, design, development, marketing strategies to enhance the product, always following a constant exchange with the general management, suppliers and end customers. By working with technology that is very specific to the sector, the department is concerned with the training and learning of specialists, creating a good knowledge base in the group and allowing new members to quickly adapt to the way of working.
All the products that are produced are closely linked to the company's objective fields, which are the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and video surveillance systems. One of the most important products is SMaWay, which is a gateway capable of being integrated into our Coqon platform, to control all the platform devices that the user has. In addition, it is developed following a modular structure, which makes it a perfect product to be integrated as a solution to requests from other clients. Although our main markets are Europe, the United States and Israel, we see in Cuba the possibility of incorporating our Coqon platform, mainly in the business sector.
Being part of a European company, the group is especially concerned about the security offered by our products, and about the security and data protection handled by our platforms.