

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.


Biotecnología, Industria farmacéuticay Tecnologías médicas
Set of software and computer applications developed to satisfy the demand of the country's biotechnological, pharmaceutical and medical technology industry, emphasizing issues associated with technological sovereignty.
Contenidos, herramientas y recursosorientados a procesos educativos
Set of tools or computer program that helps to integrate the different management areas within an educational center: the area of academic training, billing, finance, accounting and administration, the area of communication and customer service, the school organization of the center and rating…
 Análisis de datosy gestión empresarial
Within the framework of an increasingly competitive and challenging business environment, companies need to find solutions and systems to generate competitive advantages from the collection, analysis and transformation of data into strategic decisions that allow them to design successful plans and…
Software para la industria 4.0
It is a new way of organizing the means of production of the technology-based industry, around smart factories. To reach them, it is necessary to develop and implement intelligent industrial software that allows companies to digitize, cooperatively coordinate the entire organization, manage the…
 Servicios de internet y software social.png
It encompasses a set of communication tools that facilitate interaction and collaboration through social conventions. It refers to organizational methods that favor the integration of people, information, work and technology in a constructive dynamic, in order to provide a service of the highest…
Robótica y tecnologías interactivas
These technologies comprise the hardware and software that allow interaction with the five senses of the human being and with their environment. Some examples are video games, biometrics, augmented reality environments, artificial intelligence, applications for smart cities or the internet of…
Servicios de seguridad, defensa y reducción de riesgos
Development of computer applications and solutions for its application in the defense sector, national security, specialized bodies of the defense and interior ministries, with technological sovereignty, computer security and cybersecurity as a strategic axis.